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Licenciado en Odontología por la Univ. Europea de Madrid. European Board in Periodontology. Master en periodoncia e implantes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesor colaborador del Master

de Periodoncia e Implantes Univ. Complutense de Madrid. Profesor colaborador del Master de implante Universidad Europea de Madrid. Práctica exclusiva en Periodoncia e Implantes en las clínicas Periocentrum Madrid y Ávila, y en el Hospital Ruber Internacional.

Undergraduate degree in Dentistry from the European University of Madrid. European Board of Periodontology. Master’s degree in periodontology and implants from the Complutense University of Madrid. Assistant professor of the Master’s programme in Periodontology and Implants at the Complutense University of Madrid. Assistant professor of the Master’s programme in Implants at the European University of Madrid. Practices Periodontology and Implants exclusively at the PerioCentrum Madrid and Ávila clinics, and at the Ruber International Hospital

Dr. Ramón Lorenzo